het pseudotelier

Renske Versluijs, Mounir Doufikar, Jörgen Smit

12 June 2009 – 26 June 2009
In their Pseudotelier Renske Versluijs, Mounir Doufikar and Jörgen Smit, three recent graduates from the school of arts Utrecht, installed objects that are part of an ongoing cooperative project: in march 2009 they were invited to live and work at Het Vijfde Seizoen, an artist-in-residence at the psychiatry of Altrecht/Den Dolder. 
Het Pseudotelier is a further step of working with the impulses of Altrecht, bringing together objects created there and younger pieces in a new spatial combination. Pseudotelier reflects on the relationship between the showroom and the studio space. In past and present, studios have also functioned as representative, pseudo authentic gallery spaces. 
Referring to that discourse, Pseudotelier is linked to the idea of an exhibition being a momentary screenshot in an open process. Apart from that, Pseudotelier has a critical reference to its own visual platform: the exhibition space. In that sense the three artists link their work to the context of rhizomatic, a project space that has to reflect on its social part with every upcoming exhibition, with its double function as a showroom, art lab and residency